We promote value creation in
production chains in Latin America
Elaborado bajo los estándares del Sistema B, y descubre cómo Trulab impulsa cambios
significativos en las cadenas de valor y refuerza nuestro compromiso con el triple impacto.
Developed under B-System standards, and discover how Trulab drives significant changes in value chains and reinforces our commitment to triple bottom line impact.
Developed under B-System standards, and discover how Trulab drives significant changes in value chains and reinforces our commitment to triple bottom line impact.
More than 7 years, creating sustainable development solutions that contribute to inclusive and responsible economic growth.
Strengthens value chains, drives economic growth through productive chains and encourages additional financing and investment for long-term sustainable development .
For every 1 peso/euro/dollar invested in capacity building, the following is generated:
- 1 peso/euro/dollar in commercial chains, increasing sales or perceived value.
-1 peso/euro/dollar in investment or impact financing.
How we generate impact
Director of Territorial Economic Development
Project Coordinator
Director of Strategy and Business Model Development
If Latam's economic system generates and captures more value, then we can generate greater economic growth, social equity and environmental protection for our region.
Accelerating the growth of local businesses for fair economic development.
Puedes contactarnos a través de nuestro formulario de contacto
o a través de correo electrónico a nuestros líderes de proyectos
Director of Territorial Economic Development
Project Coordinator
Director of Strategy and Business Model Development